Monday, February 17, 2014

The Originals by Cat Patrick

The Originals by Cat Patrick
2013, Little, Brown and Company

Synopsis: Lizzie, Ella, and Betsey Best grew up believing they were identical triplets.

Then they learned the truth...

and no one else can know.

Now, to the outside world, the Best family appears to consist of a single mother with one seventeen-year-old daughter named Elizabeth. Lizzie, Ella, and Betsey take turns going to school, pursuing extracurriculars, and even dating.

Then Lizzie meets Sean Kelly, the one person who can help her realize she's not a carbon copy of the others - she's an individual with unique dreams and desires. Digging deeper into her background and her mother's role in her life, Lizzie begins to dismantle the delicate balance of an unusual family that only science could have created.

The Good: The life of clones in hiding is an interesting premise. Told from their viewpoints, it was really entertaining to see how people with the same DNA and upbringing could develop such different tastes and styles. The book also included a couple of mystery subplots that were a bit surprising.

The Bad: The "mom" character made strange choices. The romance angle took up a big chunk of the book, but I felt it took away from the science fiction aspect. There were so many more important things going on and the girls took all this time to moon over boys and try to figure out the logistics of dating when you are officially one third of a person.

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