Friday, March 11, 2011

The Lunatic Cafe by Laurell K. Hamilton

Book Details
The Lunatic Cafe by Laurell K. Hamilton
Paperback, 352 Pages
2008, Berkley Trade
ISBN: 0425221113
Series: Book 4 of Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter

The zombie-raising business gets slow in December, so Anita Blake is starting to see some oddball cases. She's got a neatly typed list of eight missing lycanthropes given to her by Marcus, the leader of the local werewolf pack, who wants her to find them. The trouble is, Anita's occasionally furry boyfriend Richard is locked in a power struggle with Marcus. Jean-Claude, master vampire of the city and Anita's other love interest, is getting jealous as well. To top it off, Anita has to solve some horrific murders and keep her bounty-hunting friend Edward from killing Richard and Jean-Claude. Hamilton alternates between funny and fearsome in this larky series about a monster hunter with a few dark secrets.

I'm not usually a big fan of werewolves. Were-other things, sure, but werewolves, not so much. The Lunatic Cafe is the first book in the Anita Blake series that tackles the werewolves head on - introducing their pack leader. Marcus, and giving a good look at their internal struggles. Laurell K. Hamilton writes the werewolves in such a way that you always see both the human-esque power struggle and the wild beast within, whether in human or wolf form. That goes a long way in entertaining non-werewolf lovers, like myself.

When eight shapeshifters go missing, Marcus hires Anita to investigate. The mystery itself is slowly paced with a noticeable amount of repetitive investigating, but the outcome truly makes the the story worth it. As always, Hamilton surprises you with the solution of the case while simultaneously horrifying you with Anita's bloody wrath.

Anita and Richard are getting a little too close for Jean-Claude's liking. To level the playing field, he demands equal time to woo Anita. In return, he won't kill Richard, which is a rather interesting way to begin a wooing. The love triangle seems a bit forced by the set up, but the situation the three find themselves in as a result feels real enough. Anita has conflicting feelings and doubts about both men and the agreed upon triangle will give each man ample opportunity to convince Anita, and the reader, why he's the one who belongs in Anita's bed.

A close encounter hints at Hamilton's ability to write steamy scenes and promises much more for the future of the series. As Anita's world continues to grow, as does my love for this series.


Laurell K. Hamilton's

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