Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Y: The Last Man, Vol. 1: Unmanned by Brian K. Vaughan

Unmanned by Brian K. Vaughan
2003, Vertigo
Series: Book 1 of Y: The Last Man


Synopsis: "Y" is none other than unemployed escape artist Yorick Brown (his father was a Shakespeare buff), and he's seemingly the only male human left alive after a mysterious plague kills all Y-chromosome carriers on earth. But why are he and his faithful companion, the often testy male monkey Ampersand, still alive? He sets out to find the answer (and his girlfriend), while running from angry female Republicans (now running the government), Amazon wannabes that include his own sister (seemingly brainwashed), and other threats.

The Good: What if you were actually the last man on Earth? That's Y, and he's finding that the reality is not as great as the premise. Reading Unmanned was just like watching a really great movie. The dialogue and art were absolutely fantastic, sucking me in completely. You know that feeling when you're fulling emerged in something and the whole world kind of melts away, that was me reading Unmanned. This is a dystopian graphic novel that doesn't rely on the idea that being the only man in the world would be a dream come true. The women have survived without men, thrived without men and many don't believe the reappearance of man is a good thing. The set up of this first volume is fantastic for a long running series and I can't wait to read more of this world.

The Bad: No complaints at all when it comes to Unmanned.

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