Sunday, February 28, 2010

Full Tilt by Janet Evanovich and Charlotte Hughes

Book Details
Full Tilt by Janet Evanovich and Charlotte Hughes
Paperback, 352 pages
2003, St. Martin's Paperbacks
ISBN: 031298328X
Series: Book 2 of Full

Mysterious and sexy, Maximillian Holt moves into Jamie Swift's life like a steamroller. She's the owner of a small town newspaper and he’s a notorious, brilliant billionaire--what could they possibly have in common? Apparently quite a lot, for besides their mutual affection for Max's airhead sister Deedee and his investment in Jamie's struggling business, they share an explosive sexual chemistry. Unfortunately, Jamie's already engaged to be married. But when someone sprays her office with gunfire, only Max can save her. Now she'll have to rely on him to sort out the tangle of embezzlement, mayhem, and attempted murder that threatens her bucolic world of Beaumont, South Carolina. But if they unravel the mysteries and manage to stay alive, is there any hope for a shared future between a cosmopolitan guy committed to tracking down evil and a small-town girl who just wants a normal life?

Full Tilt was very fun, sort of like Knight Rider for written for women. The main star of the novel is a sweet car with a mega-powerful computer. The computer, named Muffin, comes fully equipped with a sexy Marilyn Monroe voice. The actual main characters, Jamie and Max, share a thick romantic tension felt throughout the book.

While I enjoyed the book a lot, I have some complaints as well. Most importantly, the would be killer said some rather obvious things in the middle of the book that, while not ruining the mystery, ruined the surprise reveal at the end. Evanovich and Hughes described Max and Frankie as both brothers-in-law and cousins at different points of the book, While not effecting the story, it was a distracting typo that made me think Max's sister had married her own cousin more than once.

The good more than out-weighted the bad in Full Tilt. It was a very fast, enjoyable read and I'm looking forward to reading more in the series.


Janet Evanovich's

Charlotte Hughes' website


  1. I haven't read any of Evanovich's books other than Stephanie Plum. Maybe I should try this one.

  2. This sounds like such a fun book! I may need to check it out :)
