Saturday, October 23, 2010

Rot & Ruin by Jonathan Maberry

Book Details
Rot & Ruin by Jonathan Maberry
Hardcover, 464 Pages
2010, Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing
ISBN: 1442402326
Series: Book 1 of Benny Imura

In the zombie-infested, post-apocalyptic America where Benny Imura lives, every teenager must find a job by the time they turn fifteen or get their rations cut in half. Benny doesn't want to apprentice as a zombie hunter with his boring older brother Tom, but he has no choice. He expects a tedious job whacking zoms for cash, but what he gets is a vocation that will teach him what it means to be human.

Rot & Ruin is a post-zombie apocalypse dystopian novel that has it's fair share of both gore and heart. In his small, fenced-in town, Benny is 15 and therefore considered an adult. He must find a job or his food rations will be cut in half. Benny doesn't want to work hard, but he doesn't want to be bored either, making his search for adequate employment virtually impossible.

When he's exhausted all other potential job opportunities, he agrees to apprentice under Tom, his half brother, as a bounty hunter. What he find, out beyond the fence in the Rot & Ruin, is not just zombies, but the horror of men in a lawless world. Other bounty hunters, much more vicious than Tom, rule that land and Benny finds that he's unable to just let things continue as they are.

Rot & Ruin is about a boy growing up and realizing that the world around him is not what he always assumed. As Benny learns about his brother, who he previously thought of as a coward and the reason his mother is dead, he finds that people can be very different than they appear. This novel is about friendship, love, evil and finding the hope for something better in the world.

Rot & Ruin is a wild, crazy adventure that kept me glued to its many pages. The story flowed seamlessly. This was a phenomenal book and an absolutely brilliant start to a series. The setup for the sequel has me on the edge of my seat. Rot & Ruin is a must read for zombie fans!


Jonathan Maberry's

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