Friday, July 6, 2012

Broetry by Brian McGackin

Broetry by Brian McGackin
2011, Quirk Books

Synopsis: As contemporary poets sing the glories of birds, birch trees, and menstruation, regular guys are left scratching their heads. Who can speak for Everyman? Who will articulate his love for Xbox 360, for Mama Celeste’s frozen pizza, for the cinematic oeuvre of Bruce Willis?

Enter Broetry—a stunning debut from a dazzling new literary voice. “Broet Laureate” Brian McGackin goes where no poet has gone before—to Star Wars conventions, to frat parties, to video game tournaments, and beyond. With poems like “Ode to That Girl I Dated for, Like, Two Months Sophomore Year” and “My Friends Who Don’t Have Student Loans,” we follow the Bro from his high school graduation and college experience through a “quarter-life crisis” and beyond.

Why read: Received for review

What impressed me: I'm no poetry fan, but I could get through this book easily and managed to be mildly entertained for the most part.

What disappointed me: The novelty of McGackin's voice wears off about four poems in. If feels like it's supposed to be really funny, but completely misses the mark landing nearer unusual. Broetry proves poetry can be written for the masses, but it failed to strike a chord in me.

Recommended: Not really. It's only appeal is in its quirkiness.

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